Wood Closet Organizers made of real solid wood. Our wood closets are authentic solid wood closet systems!
Solid Wood Closet Organizers

Before you buy a Particle Board Closet, Try this very simple exercise....
"Google".... "Does formaldehyde cause cancer?"
"Google".... "Does particle board contain formaldehyde?"

Panel of Top U.S. Scientists back Environmental Protection Agency's view that Formaldehyde causes Cancer

The EPA’s assessment cites evidence that inhaling formaldehyde causes nasopharyngeal cancer, sinonasal cancer, and myeloid leukemia in humans.
SAFELINK: https://cen.acs.org/policy/chemical-regulation/Science-academy-backs-EPA-view-formaldehyde-causes-cancer/101/web/2023/08#:~:text=August%2015,%202023&text=A%20panel%20of%20top%20US,to%20be%20a%20human%20carcinogen


Click here to get the Facts about Particle Board and Formaldehyde!

Solid Wood Closet in Painted White Solid Wood Closet in Painted White


Solid Wood Closet in Gray Wash Solid Wood Closet in Gray Wash

Solid Wood in Natural Clear Solid Wood in Black Solid Wood in Pecan


These are real photos from Particle Board, MDF and Melamine Manufacturing Plants


Particle board is made of thousands of small wood chunks glued together with formaldehyde resin. It's is the least expensive material for making wood products.

Particle Board is the core panel that is used for melamine panels


Melamine is simply particle board or MDF with a printed paper material attached to one or both sides of the particle board. It is the least expensive material for making wood products with a simulated appearance of real wood.

  This is the material used by California Closets, Closets by Design, Closet World, Container World, Ikea, Closet Maid and Home Depot.


MDF is particle board made with extremely fine wood particles instead of wood chunks. The benefit of MDF is that it is stronger than standard particle board and can be routed and/or painted. However, standard MDF contains more formaldehyde as more resin is needed to bond the smaller particles.   This material is commonly used by cabinet makers as a lower cost alternative to plywood and covered with paper melamine, plastic laminate (HPL) or actual wood veneer.


Plywood is several layers or ply's of wood that are all glued together to form a plywood panel. There are numerous quality levels of plywood depending on the material, the amount of layers and the glue used to make the plywood. Glue on standard plywood contains formaldehyde, although not nearly as much as particle board. Glue on Soy Based Plywood is made out of soy bean and contains no formaldehyde.   This is the material used most often by cabinet makers for custom cabinetry. This is typically considered the best material next to solid wood.



Solid Wood is cut directly from the tree and milled to different thicknesses. It is then surfaced/planed into dimensions prepped for final use....typically made in 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" and 2" thicknesses for cabinet use. The lumber industry describes the thickness of solid wood in "Rough" dimensions after it has been cut in the mill but before it is surfaced smooth into it's final thickness. That is why a 2" x 4" is actually only 1 1/2"thick. It was cut at 2"thick before being surfaced smooth.   This is the material used by Lundia USA (aka SimpleCloset). It requires more skilled labor and much more involved manufacturing processes. A cabinet frame made out of melamine/particle board will have 4 pieces. That same frame made out of solid wood will require 14 separate solid wood parts.

California's EPA report on Particle Board (PB) dated April 26, 2007 confirms:
7,000 kids in the U.S.(23 to 63 per million population*) under 9 years old are estimated to get cancer due to Particle Board Formaldehyde exposure in their home.
As many as 73,000 adults in the U.S. (86 to 231 per million population*) will get cancer in their lifetime due to Particle Board Formaldehyde exposure.
Carb Compliant Particle Board Phase 1 will only reduce the cancer cases by 12 to 35 cases.

*Based on EPA specifically reporting up to 63 kids per million will get cancer (49 million kids under 9 in USA) and 231 adults per million will also get cancer due to particle board (327 million adult population in USA).

Important Facts About Solid Wood Closet Organizers vs. Particle Board


Compare materials from the top manufacturers:

Mudroom White Solid Wood Closet White & Gray Solid Wood Closet Mix and Match any Finish!

Excerpt from the USA Consumer Protection Agency 2015 Update:
Why should you be concerned?
Actual Quote:
"Formaldehyde exposure may potentially cause a variety of symptoms and adverse health effects, such as eye, nose, throat, and skin irritation, coughing, wheezing, and allergic reactions. Long term exposure to high levels of formaldehyde has been associated with cancer in humans and laboratory animals.

Will the Real Wood Please Stand Up? (In Search of Formaldehyde-free Furniture)

All particle board material has two things in common:

1). It is by far the cheapest, least expensive material to manufacture with. That was the primary reason this product is being used in manufacturing.
2). All particle board contains "Formaldehyde" which is a necessary part of gluing all the wood chips together to form a panel.

Most closet organizers are made of particle board....you might think this is good news....
The core of our panels is made of 100% recycled and/or recovered wood fiber. Our panels are certified to meet California Air Resources Board (CARB) Phase 2 standards  

Here are the facts....Here are actual excerpts from the CARB certification:

What is formaldehyde and what are the health effects of formaldehyde exposure?
Formaldehyde is a colorless gas and is released to the environment from a variety of sources including the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline and propane, tobacco smoke, fireplaces, and wood burning stoves.....Health effects can include nose and throat irritation, a burning sensation of the eyes, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and can trigger asthma symptoms in those with asthma. Sensitive individuals may experience fatigue, headache, and nausea.
"Formaldehyde is also a known human carcinogen." California Environmental Protection Agency

You may leave your new "Particle Board" product in the Garage for a few days to let it off-gas before bringing it inside   from the California Environmental Protection Agency / Air Resources Board

Read the CARB statement....Click Here:
Here are the facts from the California EPA / Air Resources Board (CARB) 

While looking for a closet organizer you may come across websites or companies calling their product "Solid Wood" when in fact it is made of particle board (sometimes referred to as "Engineered Wood"). It is a false claim, made under the misleading idea that because the board or shelf isn't "Hollow" inside it is solid.
Here is the truth about particle board vs. solid wood (We are also including links to other non-biased sites to substantiate the information we are providing you):

*The advantage of particle board is lower cost. It is made of scrap wood particles glued together to form a board. The problem with particle board is that it is brittle and will break easily when hit with force (especially on a corner). Most people have had this experience with a cheap piece of furniture. This is why a fine piece of furniture built in 1930 will outlast a new piece of furniture built in 2008.

Particle board can be made to look like beautiful solid wood by laminating veneer or fake wood over it.

Here is what others say.....

Excerpts From Wikipedia Encyclopedia:

Particleboard is cheaper.........and is substituted......when appearance and strength are less important than cost.

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 Simple Closet is manufactured by Lundia USA, part of The Recom Group Corporation



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